

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/8/2 11:44:00


Special Features
Cardiologists of Tomorrow Track
 The Cardiologists of Tomorrow programme is a partnership between the ESC and its National and Affiliate Societies. It consists of a dynamic specific educational track throughout the Congress that will provide young cardiologists with some of the most relevant and up to date information on key areas in Cardiovascular Medicine.

State of the Art in Basic Science
 A series of sessions focusing on basic science related to cardiovascular disease. Renowned scientists review vascular biology,muscle biology, molecular biology and other areas of basic science related to the physiology and patho-physiology of the cardiovascular system. These sessions will be particularly attractive to basic scientists, but also to clinicians with an interest in basic science.

Translational Track
 Sessions presenting new science with emerging clinical implications dedicated to basic scientists as well as clinicians.
ESC for Primary Care Physicians and Nurses
 A one day programme on Saturday open to all but specifically aimed at general practitioners, primary care practitioners and nurses. This programme is organised in conjunction with the ESC Council for Cardiology Practice, the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Primary Care and the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions. It will cover the most relevant issues these professionals have to face on a daily basis. The main topics will be heart failure, ischaemic heart disease and hypertension and the entire programme will revolve around real case scenarios that will be discussed by panels of experts.

版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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